Newton’s 1st Law -Meena

Newtons 1st Law is that all objects at rest will stay at rest unless an external force acts upon it.  All objects will continue their original state of uniform and they will always want to return to that state.  This law can commonly be known as inertia. Inertia and the first law is seen everywhere, a demonstration I saw in class was a video of a rock at rest a person came a long and rolled it down a hill making the at rest pebble to become a pebble in motion soon the external force of friction caused the pebble to return to its natural state, at rest.  This video relates to our high five video because a phone lyed on the ground at rest until I came along using my external strength to pick the phone up.  The phone became “apart” of me so as I moved the phone did so we were both in motion.  In the end my video shows clear evidence of Newton’s 1st law because the phone was not going to move unless I, the external force, lifted it up into motion.

*With no outside force this object will never move. With no outside forces this object will never stop.


Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) -Meena

Gravitational potential energy (GPE) is the level potential energy of gravity acting against a figure.  Everything in the world has gravity acting against it, however the further you are from the earth's core the more GPE you will have. Using that definition my video shows GPE because while I stood on the log I wasn't plummeting to the earth's core it was only when I jumped and became airborne when I began to fall to my next normal force destination.  The examples we saw in class of a boy skating down a hill is GPE because in the simulation we were able to see the level of energy acting on the skater.  I noticed that the further from the ground he was the more GPE.  Knowing this I chose to jump from a log hovering off the ground and fell, as suspected.

Endothermic and Exothermic Heat -Meena

Endothermic heat is when heat is absorbed by a second part such as when you hug someone their body heat is being released and taken in by the other person.  Exothermic heat is when heat is let out.  The sun, for example, is constantly releasing rays of heat therefore it is exothermic.  In my 8th grade science class I did a simulation where there was a fire and water on top.  In this simulation the fire was releasing heat (Exo) and the water was using that heat to boil (Endo).  My video shows endo and exo thermic heat because I sat by a fire that released sparks of flames that warmed me because I was an endothermic example of the fires exothermic exposure. Therefore my Video is endo and exo thermic because it shows evidence of a consumer as well as a producer. 

Law of Conservation of Energy -Meena

The definition of the Law of conservation is that energy cannot be destroyed only transferred or transformed.  Transferring energy is when energy moves to one place to another, such as when you plug a charger in an outlet the electrical energy starts in the outlet then moves through the plug to charge your phone.  Transforming energy is when the energy changes its form, for example kinetic energy turning into thermal energy because of friction.  These transfers and transformations occur when forces act upon a subject.  The simulation of a skater rolling until slowly coming to a stop shows the law of conservation because at first the skater was moving so there for it had kinetic energy but it stopped because the friction acting against it built up transforming the energy to thermal.  That simulation relates to the video of me in the water because I was cold I started rubbing my arms and hands so I produced kinetic energy which transformed into heat energy (thermal).   My video is an example of the Law of conservation because energy is neither destroyed nor created but shown as transformed and transferred.

Delayed Gratification -Meena

The Video of me, Meena Felsburg, attempting to eat a candy bar shows delayed gratification.  Delayed Gratification is the ability to resist a temptation that is desired in any way.  An example of delayed gratification is in the beginning of the year when we learned of the experiment conducted on children.  Each child was given one marshmallow if they could wait 5 minutes hey would receive another one.  My video shows this because as I began to put the chocolate in my mouth I was interrupted by Aivy who presented me with a challenge “if you can wait 5 minutes I will give you all of the chocolate.”  I took on this challenge and my dire for more allowed me to wait 5 minute for extra chocolate gratification.  So, because I waited five minutes for a bigger reward my video shows delayed gratification. 

How Soap Works? -Ai Vy

We have known that soap is used to wash off oil and grease. It is able to do that thanks to the soap's structure of a non polar tail and a polar head. The tail is non polar and oil is non polar so the tail is able to interact with oil. The head is polar due to unequally distributed electrons, which has the ability to interact with water, which is also polar. Water and oil don't mix because water is polar while oil is non polar, "like dissolves like". Thanks to soap, the oil is formed spherically by the soap structures' tails. Their heads are connected with water so that water and oil are dissolved in a solution. By that, we are able to wash the oil off.  In the video, after Meena ate the chocolate, she went to the bathroom to wash her hands with soap and get rid of the grease on her fingers. 

-Ai Vyhe

Elements and Compound -Ai Vy

Element is a substance that can not be broken down to any smaller substance of itself. Compound is a combination of two or more elements. In the video, elements and compounds were represented by Snicker bars. Meena hold on Snicker bar and it was an element; Ai Vy hold a few of them together to represent a compound. In chemistry, for example, we have Hydrogen(H) and Oxygen(O) as elements. If we have H2O, a combination of 2 Hydrogens and one Oxygen, we have a water compound.
-Ai Vy
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